segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2011

Ainda há quem procure Osama Bin Laden

Fallbrook Man Set to Find Bin Laden's Underwater Grave

Aparentemente há um senhor que quer provar que OBL está morto e que o seu corpo se encontrar no fundo do oceano, tal com o governo americano transmitiu. Esse senhor diz que quando o encontrar irá recolhê-lo, trazê-lo para terra e vendê-lo ao mais alto licitador.

Além da evidente confiança, tanto na sua própria capacidade para tal esforço como na veracidade do comunicado do governo americano (e sucessivas confirmações), este senhor aparenta fazer isto apenas pela notoriedade evidente que o tema provoca e também pela ideia da possibilidade, por mais remota que seja, de realmente encontrar o corpo de OBL e com ela fazer uns cobres. Sinceramente acho que, no caso deste senhor se aproximar sequer do corpo do ex lider da Al Qaeda, irá muito rapidamente ser ou silenciado pela CIA ou ser feito herói pelo governo americano, evidenciando a prova da capacidade de um americano de 67 anos e da prova da honestidade do governo. A ver vamos no que isto dá.

SAN DIEGO - A Fallbrook man set to retrieve Osama Bin Laden's remains from an underwater grave speaks out about his endeavor.  67-year old Bill Warren is confident in his groups quest and gaining national attention in the process.
Bill Warren said, "I am mainly doing it to prove a point to see if he is really dead."
Warren wants to find Osama Bin Laden's body.  After Navy Seals killed Bin Laden his body was lowered off the U.S.S. Carl Vinson into the North Arabian sea.
Warren said, "We have an approximate location the depth of water."
The Fallbrook man claims he has a good idea on where Bin Laden's body is located. Warren says his 180-foot boat is waitng in Western India.  Warren says he has high-tech equipment able to pick out just about anything underwater.
Warren said, "It's what they found the Titanic with - - it's side scan sonar - - and it's very high tech."
You would think finding a body in the open ocean would be difficult.  There's also the thought Bin Laden's body would be decomposed beyond recognition.
Warren said,  "The fish can't get at it.  It's in a sealed Navy burial bag. Zipped up.  White canvass rubber lined inside - - 200-pounds of weights."
Warren has plans already if he finds Bin Laden's corpse.
Warren said,  "We would photograph, videotape, and do a DNA test, and then try to figure out what we are going to do with his body after that."
Such an expediton requries hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Warren says he has investors in Chicago, Scotland, and New York.
Warren plans on making his trek to the North Arabian Sea in about a month.  He says after he finds Bin Laden it is possible he'll sell his corpse to the highest bidder.

1 comentário:

HARAJUKU disse...

ele que descubra que eu gostava de saber :/